Integration Uncategorized


What are 2-3 of the most important ideas that you have studied during this course?

1) Effective feedback, vs some of the potentially ineffective feedback that I have been providing, really stood out for me. Practicing the use of constructive feedback is the next thing I would like to explore, while modelling that constructive feedback is safe amongst fellow learners, along with providing ways that the student can improve in receiving and providing constructive feedback while reviewing the goals.

2) Teaching presence is also something that had me reflecting on the ideas learned in this course in terms of how to help support the students to transition into subsequent learning phases.

What are 2-3 questions that you have as a result of this course? Identify ways that you can begin to answer those questions.

1) I still have more curiosity of student engagement in a course, and other ways that an instructor can be focusing on this for them in their courses, depend on their level of investment in the course content. The ability to meet them where they are at, and to hopeful spark more engagement esp. if they are just in it for the grades, etc, could be a starting place.

2) The other concept that I would actually like to explore more too are the assessments and how to know specifically which ones might be more compatible with the specific learning objectives. Perhaps some more research on this or reaching out to an advisor might be the next best step here.

Identify 2-3 specific goals that you would like to achieve in light of what you have learned about cognitive presence, approaches to learning, and feedback.

1) more alignment of assessments with specific learning objectives

2) facilitating more student engagement with students and the course content, no matter what their investment in the course content is

3) facilitating more constructive feedback from everyone within the learning cohort